Years and years and before one boy was even born ago...S1 had some bunnies. We had a rabbit coop that had been abondened and neglected and is a montrosity and s3 decided to fix it up.
He figured he would do this with the tools of...a measuring tape and hammer (if anyone would give him a hammer).
My husband surprised me by telling me he thought it would be fine to get him a bunny.
So I contacted a truly wonderful girl we know who owns a rabbitry. Yes, really. I figured I could ask her to just be on the lookout for a bunny for us.
But the day I talked to her, she had two adorable non show worthy bunnies that were ready to go to a good home.
And apparently we fit the bill.
So, we actually left EARLY the very next morning and picked up two little bunnies.
One for S3 and one for S4 and we were so happy to see they were different colors.
The boys were just happy. As in, thrilled to pieces and could hardly contain their excitement.
We brought them into work for the day - you know, the library that I work at - and it wasn't long before one had escaped.
Do you know how many hiding places there are in a library. It reminded me of this book...The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians. It's a great book, you should check it out. At a library. And then buy it.
But anyway...back to the library.
I should have known something was wrong when I seen the two boys crawling on the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked. They didn't answer. But they were being good so I let it go...until I realized they were being really good.
"What is wrong?" I demanded, quickly heading in their direction.
"We lost a bunny," S3 mumbled.
"What?" I screeched. "Boys! Find the Bunny!" I hollered. (In emergencies, you can be loud in a library.)
Alicia went into full out bunny search mode. "Shut the doors, watch the doors. Everyone search the floor...."
The bunny was hanging out next to a bookshelf in a tiny little corner. I think she was checking out the Clive Cussler books, personally.
We then told the boys that the bunnies had had a traumatic morning and they needed to nap and shut the box lid tight and all seemed well.
Until lunch time.
When Alicia was in the back eating lunch and the boys had to check their bunnies when suddenly the SAME bunny jumped all the way out of the box.
Alicia was in total shock.
We went into full bunny mode - again - and much laughing ensued as we wrangled the bunny again and put the lid on VERY tight.
Before we left we did a thorough search to make sure that all rabbit poo had indeed been cleaned up.
The boys waved goodbye to Alicia. "See you next week! We'll bring a bigger box next time for the bunnies."
I whispered "We won't bring the bunnies again" as we left.
I think our bunny adventures have just begun........
Stay tuned.
Whenever you guys are around there is an adventure to be had.
The bunnies are ADORABLE. The story had me in fits of giggles. Bring them back. It's great material for your blog :) should have gotten the Bull and horses...wouldn't loose them in the library! lol
These are some stories I can't wait to hear about!
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