She is full blood, German Shepherd, five months old, completely black.
And she needs a name.
So here is what we will do.
Post a name to this POST, the best name you can come up with. We will list all the names that you all come up with betweeen this and the facebook post and HUSBAND will pick the name.
Winner will get some sort of prize, really. I am not sure might just be a printed of her footprint but, well, that's a prize, right?
Thanks for your help!!!!
My vote is Shadow, it's Sam's moms name and her middle name. :) She's beautiful!
Shadow was brought up...I do like it- goes along with the black color.
She's beautiful!! I've never been good with naming pets (we have a grey dog named Gracie :)...
How about Soot (rhymes with foot) or Pepsi, or Pepper??
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