Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Did You See Us on Fox 17?

We were on Fox 17!

If you would like to see the video (who am I kidding, I'm sure you are all so wanting to see this! ;) ) you can click HERE and it will take you to the link.

Getting a lot of feed back of people wanting to do a digital detox day or weekend after the special.  I think that is sooooooooo cool.

In other news....we attempted to have the three younger boys take a nap so they could stay up and see themselves on the ten o clock did not work.  When we went to wake them up, they couldn't wake up.  When they woke up this morning, they were devastated, which is why I am so thankful that they had the story on this morning...and because they had the link so they could see themselves before school started.

But the excitement caused some over tired boys...S4 changed his pants SIX times today (mother's of girls, how do you do it?) and is now, at this moment, at school wearing pants with big holes in the knees because at least then he is dressed.


So excited about the story, so happy the way it turned out and now you all know how handsome my hubby is. ;)  Hubs wants you to know he cut wood...but you all know that already because if you read the blog, you seen it.

Thank you so much for sharing our Digital Detox weekend with us!

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