Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Myth Busters Was Right

Today is our first snow day.

The boys had just finished their second breakfast (first was a normal breakfast (cereal, etc), second was pancakes) and they were already asking about lunch as they put on their snow gear to go outside and play in the .... wait for it .... MINUS TEN degree windchill (but sunny) day.

I started on lunch - the famous tuna noodle casserole they we make anytime they have a snow day - and I reminded them that as soon as they get cold, they were to immediately come back into the house where they could have as much hot chocolate as they desired.  I even have mini marshmallows. 

But I was surprised when S3 arrived back in the house so soon after going out to play.

"What's up?" I asked.

His answer is the reason I am blogging this instead of finishing making lunch.

"Oh, we just wanted to see if Myth Busters was right."

"Really, what about?"

"Well, we found out they were right."

He was totally stalling.

"Right about what?" I asked.

"Oh, only if you stick your tongue to a flag pole it will stick there."

I. Did. Not. Panic.

"Really?" I asked, "Did you do that?"

"Yup, and it stuck good but I pulled it off real quick.  Now my mouth tastes funny so I thought I would come in for a little while."

I cannot make this up.

Happy Snow Day to all of you!!!1

(Had to post this movie scene - even if the boys have never watched it.)

After publishing this post, S4 decided to give it a try.
He thought S3 might have been teasing and so he took a nice lick of the pole.
AND, Tom and Jerry showed that your tongue would stick and Tom and Jerry is NOT real.
His tongue stuck.
He is questioning wether Tom and Jerry may, in fact, be real.
Both boys tongues are okay - though missing some skin.
This has not affected their appetite in any way.

I know say, as they head out to play, "Don't lick anything!"


Becca said...

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Is he ok?!

Susie Finkbeiner said...

Oh my goodness! Sooooo funny! Thanks for sharing this story today. This is great. :)

Amy said...

This is good info to know for the future as we both live in fridgid climates. I once put my tongue on a spoon that was on ice cream and lost some skin. It was painful.

Amy said...

This is good info to know for the future as we both live in fridgid climates. I once put my tongue on a spoon that was on ice cream and lost some skin. It was painful.