Over the weekend, my Dad took S1 to hunter’s safety. It was an all day Sunday, test Monday evening sort of class. Husband had a church obligation and I, well, I just wasn’t sure they would appreciate me showing up with S2, S3 and S4 in tow for hunter’s safety! S1 loved the class. He says he never knew learning could be so much fun!
On Sunday night, he could hardly stop talking about the class and all he had to learn and know. He sat at the table studying until I made him go to bed, only I am sure he was still studying in bed too. When I got the boys up in the morning, before he was even dressed he was spouting all sorts of information to me. When he packed his back pack, he made sure he had all his notes safely tucked into his back pack and checked it a few times for good measure.
He was sure the school day would take forever.
When he got home, he gave me his lunch box. It was nearly full. This boy is on his way to out eating his daddy so I was shocked. I offered him a piece of cake. “Oh no, I’m fine, I’m not really hungry. I have been studying all day, Moma, and I didn’t get as much studying done as I thought I would. Do you think I’ll be okay?”
I assured him he would be fine, amazed he was so nervous he couldn’t eat!
When the boys had finished with the cake (keep in mind, it doesn’t take too long. S3 had handed me his glasses, slipped from his coat that still had the back pack attached to it, let it fall to the ground and had cake in his hand in mere short milliseconds), and the dog had gotten to eat all the ‘oops’, I told the boys to hop in the suburban to drive to my parents for S1’s class. S1 RAN as fast as he could to get in, hollering at his brothers to get in, he buckled his brother in record moments and we were off.
I am sure the ride took him forever!
When we arrived to my parents, he jumped out and hurried into the house where, to his horror, his grandpa wasn’t even home from work yet. My mom offered him food and then nearly dropped the sandwich she was making when he turned down the fresh chicken sandwich.
S1 began to pace.
I got the boys loaded up to head home to finish our dinner making when in pulled my Dad, his truck nearly overflowing with manure to be spread on the field. The horror and panic in S1’s face at the sight of that truck was laughable. I knew my Dad would leave the manure for later in the week, but S1 didn’t yet. He trotted after the truck and I am sure my Dad would have had that truck unloaded in lightening speed if he found out it had to be unloaded before he could go!
Instead my Dad loaded S1 into the 49 Panel truck with the cool horn and the turquoise visor and headed to town with him.
They arrived home at 9:45, 45 minutes after my bedtime, not to mention my Dad’s. S4 was awake with me; sure S1 would forget to make it home so while I putted about the house he worked on making his letters. When my Dad pulled in, S4 was all about throwing open the front door and screeching his happy hellos.
S1 was beaming. I wasn’t sure he could grin much more. He had left his pacing self behind and now this boy in front of me was strutting into the house, strutting about showing me all his papers that say he passed. Since he was four he has lived for this day, when he was finally able to officially hunt. I am sure we will be getting his license today and all the brush he has painstakingly moved away for a good shot of a deer. Any deer he gets will seem a monster to him, I am sure. But there really is a monster buck out in our field and I would love for him to shoot it. How thrilling would that be?
Extra special thanks to my wonderful Dad, who truly made S1’s dreams come true. S1 had the most fun spending time with you…….
And one more note, thanks to my hubby for my lap top so I can type out this blog while the main big computer with everything on it is infected with some sort of nasty awful virus. Thanks to RR to working on it for me, you know I'd be hopelessly lost without you for it!
On Sunday night, he could hardly stop talking about the class and all he had to learn and know. He sat at the table studying until I made him go to bed, only I am sure he was still studying in bed too. When I got the boys up in the morning, before he was even dressed he was spouting all sorts of information to me. When he packed his back pack, he made sure he had all his notes safely tucked into his back pack and checked it a few times for good measure.
He was sure the school day would take forever.
When he got home, he gave me his lunch box. It was nearly full. This boy is on his way to out eating his daddy so I was shocked. I offered him a piece of cake. “Oh no, I’m fine, I’m not really hungry. I have been studying all day, Moma, and I didn’t get as much studying done as I thought I would. Do you think I’ll be okay?”
I assured him he would be fine, amazed he was so nervous he couldn’t eat!
When the boys had finished with the cake (keep in mind, it doesn’t take too long. S3 had handed me his glasses, slipped from his coat that still had the back pack attached to it, let it fall to the ground and had cake in his hand in mere short milliseconds), and the dog had gotten to eat all the ‘oops’, I told the boys to hop in the suburban to drive to my parents for S1’s class. S1 RAN as fast as he could to get in, hollering at his brothers to get in, he buckled his brother in record moments and we were off.
I am sure the ride took him forever!
When we arrived to my parents, he jumped out and hurried into the house where, to his horror, his grandpa wasn’t even home from work yet. My mom offered him food and then nearly dropped the sandwich she was making when he turned down the fresh chicken sandwich.
S1 began to pace.
I got the boys loaded up to head home to finish our dinner making when in pulled my Dad, his truck nearly overflowing with manure to be spread on the field. The horror and panic in S1’s face at the sight of that truck was laughable. I knew my Dad would leave the manure for later in the week, but S1 didn’t yet. He trotted after the truck and I am sure my Dad would have had that truck unloaded in lightening speed if he found out it had to be unloaded before he could go!
Instead my Dad loaded S1 into the 49 Panel truck with the cool horn and the turquoise visor and headed to town with him.
They arrived home at 9:45, 45 minutes after my bedtime, not to mention my Dad’s. S4 was awake with me; sure S1 would forget to make it home so while I putted about the house he worked on making his letters. When my Dad pulled in, S4 was all about throwing open the front door and screeching his happy hellos.
S1 was beaming. I wasn’t sure he could grin much more. He had left his pacing self behind and now this boy in front of me was strutting into the house, strutting about showing me all his papers that say he passed. Since he was four he has lived for this day, when he was finally able to officially hunt. I am sure we will be getting his license today and all the brush he has painstakingly moved away for a good shot of a deer. Any deer he gets will seem a monster to him, I am sure. But there really is a monster buck out in our field and I would love for him to shoot it. How thrilling would that be?
Extra special thanks to my wonderful Dad, who truly made S1’s dreams come true. S1 had the most fun spending time with you…….
I just found your blog & I'm really enjoying it. I can relate to you and your family in so many ways. My boys are a bit younger than yours. They are 6, 4, 2, and Boy#4 will arrive the end of this year. But, life with boys is never dull! I read your posts, 'Clean Living', 'Girls Don't Even Stink', and 'Beware of Monster Moma' and I feel like they each could have been a day out of my own life. Your writing is so fun! I can't wait to read more!
thanks for all your kind words, Karen! WOW, you are going to be busy! But it is a blast...hope to hear a lot more from you soon!
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