Thursday, March 24, 2011

His Winning Essay

A little while back, you may recall that Isaac was sending in an essay. In fact, I shared the rough draft with you.

Today, we got a letter in the mail.....

It began "...proud to announce that a winner in the "Reading Month Essay Contest"...WHAT I DO TO HELP MY COMMUNITY".
We let him read the letter out loud to us, since he is so good at reading now, and he beamed when he read "Isaac's essay is beautifully hand printed. He says, "I am a little version of my dad." Isaac helps people by selling tomatoes, squash, corn, pickles and flowers. He also helps with snowplowing, the farm market in front of his home, and in cutting wood. He included mention of three brothers, two dogs and a cat. He says, "I am glad we have no sisters." Isaac included a self portrait with a well drawn face showing a big smile. In the picture he is waving "Hello".
Where he found out he had WON!!!!! AND he received a $20.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble.

(He had to find out what that store was and the thought of buying a book was a thrilling one, but he was more excited that there was a coffee shop there and asked if he could perhaps have a coffee, this being a special occasion and all. I told him I thought we could let that happen. Is he my boy or what?)
I love his grin!!!!

The winning essay....


My name is Isaac D. I am eight and in 3rd grade. I live in S-, Mi. My favorite subject is gym and hockey.

I help people by selling tomatoes, squash, corn, pickles and flowers. I am a little version of my Dad. He sells most of the things that I do and more. We go snowplowing, to farm markets and wood cutting together a lot. We sell most of our produce at our stand in the front of our house.

There are six people in our house, 4 boys, 2 parents and 2 dogs plus 1 cat. I am the second oldest boy of my brothers. I am glad we have no sisters.

Good job, Isaac!!!
We are sooooooooo very proud of you!!!!


Jodie Brenner said...

I love that smile too!! I feel so blessed to have shared this year with Isaac. He is a great kid!!

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

Congrats, Isaac! You must be SO proud!!!

And I get the coffee thing. I totally get it ;)

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! That is awesome!! So exciting for him and you!