This post is filled with swooning, you have been officially warned.
The week leading up to my birthday was insanely busy, and not fun busy either. My wonderful hubby asked me what I wanted for my birthday and you know those times when you just can't even grasp "birthday fun" because you are living in the busy moment? That was me.
I shrugged. Then I lit all up. "A Date! I want a date away for my birthday!"
And then he didn't say a thing more about it. My mom and I had thought a beach day out to Lake Michigan for my birthday would be all sorts of fun...something we hadn't done in forever. Then Sunday mentioned rain...all, day. long.
So I tried to figure out what I could make for dinner for my birthday to just make it an easy but good meal and hoped Jake and I could get away soon.
Then my husband did the most romantic thing ever.
He planned a surprise.
Yes, really.
Being a girl going out with her MAN, I wanted to have to the right outfit (of course) and I love heels...I think we have discussed this he would say "Well, you can wear a dress but nothing too nice. Just good walking shoes....."
I was having such fun with this I could hardly keep from bursting.
When I got home from work, he told me I needed to start getting myself together for a date around three. He ran two of the four boys to Morg's house - two more would be joining them later after they had a fun afternoon with my body building brother and his wife - and I laid out all sorts of outfits on the bed for him to choose from. Then I laid all sorts of shoes out to match the dress he picked.
He was girled out before we even hit the road.
Especially because I was ready in record time and literally - yes, literally! - jumping up and down waiting for him to be ready to go.
He got an insane amount of phone calls that afternoon.
And he began to worry I would be disappointed with the night.
He took me to dinner at Famous Dave's. I've never eaten there but thought it sounded yummy. It was soooooooo yummy.
When we left there, my country loving non fashion at all (okay, jeans and tshirt will ALWAYS be in style) husband, pulled into the MALL.
Oh. My. Beating. Heart.
Because there in his big dodge truck, he turned and looked at me and said "Let's go get you a new outfit."
I mighta teared up a bit.
As we walked from the truck, the phone rang. The conversation I heard went something like this "Hey, what are you doing home? Really? You're kidding, right? How much blood?" (this is where I turned around and headed back to the truck) "But he seems fine? Oh, he'll be good then. You can wait 24 hours for stitches."
S4 had RUN INTO A WALL. He cut his head open. Morg had to teach him to breath like lamaze classes teach you to get him to calm down. But apparently he was playing again.
So we went shopping.
I will not bore all of you with the details but after much searching (who knew the mall closed so early) we found a dress. A dress that reminded us of our favorite music video right now, AND it was 60 percent off. We couldn't find shoes though...I take that back. I found SHOES that I drooled over but not the boots I wanted to match the dress.
And we learned a valuable lesson, when you find a dress you love on clearance at Macy's...just buy it. Don't hesitate over a zipper that you feel is too tough to zip, you will figure it out...okay, maybe you won't and it was a good thing we didn't get it.

We went to Biggby AND Starbucks (I know, I know! It was bliss!). We browsed through Barnes and Noble (the mall closes and that store doesn't, how cool is that?) where I purchased some new stationary and got lost looking at books. (Not literally)
I held my honey's hand alllllllllll evening. I gave him a million kisses. Okay, close to a million. It was soooooo much fun. I had the best fun...I felt completely spoiled.
And I think I thanked him a trillion times. It was one of my very best birthday's EVER.
Thank you so much, hubby!!!!!!
(And here is that music video)
Because I was having so much fun on my birthday, I didn't take any pictures! So the pictures I shared were the from the Sunday I wore the dress and my boots to church.
And S4 didn't need stitches.
You can see his cut forehead here.
Sadly, this will probably make him cuter later in life.
As if he wasn't super adorable already.
Your Honey done good! That sounds like everything a girl could want to do! I'm especially lovin the Barnes and Noble part. My husband is not much of a reader. But, I used to love to peruse book stores. I haven't done it in such a long time. If my honey took me to a book store to browse along with me, I'd be in heaven.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Denise!!! I was tearing up. NEVER tell Jason how sweet I really think he is for caring so much for my favorite friend. I love you happy birthday! Oh and I LOVE your super pretty outfit!
AWH!!! He's SO sweet. Steve just asked the boys if he should take me to Carl's jr or McDonald's for our anniversary this weekend.
Maybe Jake can call him.
Such a good man you have there!! I think Ryan and Jake need to have a conversation...just saying...
Aww so sweet! You are both so lucky to have each other! Dress? Beautiful! Dress with boots? Hot stuff!
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