Monday, November 23, 2009

Moma is funny?

S1 has started up with asking us questions, of all sorts, at weird times. For instance, scooping soup for lunch yesterday he asked me what games I played the most when I was growing up (pioneer, in the woods with my brother or in my playhouse, in case you were wondering too. I loved my barbies too, they were pioneers, but I figured I would have to explain what a barbie was and didn't feel like getting into it). He will search me out while I am getting laundry out of the washer and ask me how many knives or guns his uncle had growing would I know that?

So, it wasn't surprising when Husband came in to say he had a surprising conversation with S1.
By the crinkles around Husband's eyes, I could tell this was a good one. At my expense. The cries from S1 outside of sheer panic calling out “Noooooo! Don't tell her!!!!!!” was also a tell tale sign.

“So, I was talking with your son and he asked me what I thought of you when I first met you.”

“Um-hm,” I answered, waiting.

“I said you knew a lot about agriculture (okay girls, this was the FIRST thing he said! REALLY!) and you were nice and you were really funny.” Husband paused for dramatic effect. “And S1 said just as serious as could be, 'Moma used to be funny?'.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! You guys crack me UP!!!