So I wasn't sure if I was going to share this with you all or not. But I decided to...because I do believe I will have many Blog Posts in the future about this.
While we were camping, my Dad was home, building S1 his own shop.
S1, who fixes bikes and tractors and doors and anything else that needs work. Who took over our teeny tiny milk shed when he was old enough and was happy to be there. That son.
My Dad wanted to give him something he knew he would have appreciated when he was that age.
So my Dad built this.........
And he brought over the 1960 Wheel Horse they had put together so he could store it in his own shed now.
I don't think S1 could get any happier.
I don't think this Moma's heart, this daughter of my son's Papa, could have been any more full.
Thank you, Father dear.
That is so cool!!! Maybe it takes a mother to boys to see that...not sure I would have realized how cool that was if I had all girls.
My oldest son would LOVE to have a space of his own. He keeps asking if he can use a space in the barn as his own. But the barn is seriously falling apart & there are spaces where the floor is about to collapse. It's just not safe to let him work in there.
S1 looks so proud and happy. Hooray for wonderful grandpas!
I think blogging these moments help keep them special, because otherwise they might slip away forgotten. What a great pic of Grandpa and grandson!
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