Thursday, November 10, 2011

Date Weekend

Last weekend, when the sun was shining brightly and fall seemed like the most wonderful season that it is, my husband and I went on a date.

He had driven past a place he wanted to take me and since I am always up for a long drive with my hubby, I was more than willing to tag along.

He took me here....

He has been driving past this place in his big truck and keeps thinking he wishes he could stop.
And being all farm market minded like we are, we like to see lots of markets.

We dream about farm markets, I'm not even kidding.

But this one has to be one of the best family run farm destinations.
 First they have amazing donuts and such.

We had driven all this way for donuts.  Seriously.

We are serious about donuts. Everyone should be.

And these smelled heavenly as we pulled in.  Jake got some cinnamon sugar coated one and half of my flakey apple turnover sort of thing that was scrumptious.

Since I don't do corn all...we wandered around to see what there was to see.

And we ended up wandering over to this barn.
 I'm still kicking myself for not getting pictures of the inside...or of us and Audrey.

Who is Audrey, you ask?

Just the most cheerful, cutest, adorable girl.

She works in the wine tasting section of the barn.  The part of the barn that housed horses.  
My husband was instantly checking out all the beams and all that barn stuff.
It was rather obvious we had never been there before.

Audrey sarcastically asked us what took us so long to get there, and then followed that with a sweet "Hello, and welcome to Robinette's."

She had us pegged for fun, I think.

And we spent the next half hour, I'd guess, chatting and hearing her gush about the wonderfulness of her job, of the family, of the farm, of the history, of the people who visit....

We left feeling like we left a friend.

We then became the biggest fan of Robinette's ever.
I mean, why else would we pose in front of the sign a million times for a picture?
 I may have had so much fun that I literally skipped with Jake to the suburban.

I may have kissed him right there and said "Thank you for the funnest day!"

I may have literally squealed with joy.

And I owe that to my hubby who stopped here, and to Audrey who had us laughing.
And to the amazing Robinette's who brought us all together.

But the day wasn't over.

We headed up to Rockford to the Corner Bar.

For YEARS and YEARS Jake has told me about their amazing hot dogs and since I am one of those people who really find hotdogs super tasty, I've been asking for forever to go.

The place was so busy when we got there that there was a long line out the door.

But that didn't stop my husband.  Oh, no.  He was starving and wasn't going to wait in line.
He walked right up to the empty bar and asked if we could sit there and order hotdogs.
The bar tender agreed.
And my husband was happy.
If you eat 12 hotdogs you get your name on the board.  I don't know why he hasn't done this.
I ordered the famous Rockford Corner Dog dog and it was good.
Jake ordered two corner dogs and two sauerkraut dogs.
And he ate one of my hot dogs too.
See, he could be on the board.
And I'd have a famous hubby.
With a shirt to prove it.

Afterward we wandered around, looking at the famous Rockford Dam.

 It was so pretty and we had to snap a few pictures of us grinning ear to ear on our fun day out.
 I noticed the pretty planters they had around, and my husband knew you could eat the kale.
Is it kale?
I don't know...but he picked it and...
Ate it.
 Apparently the hot dogs didn't fill him up.

We took so more pictures, really, it was so pretty out.
 In this photo he says at least I have a great picture of him.
 We had a super great time.
I really wanted to find the store Herman's Boy, but we couldn't find it.

We could have asked but we had reached the time to head for home.
I guess that means we will have to back again.
I'm sure you know I'm dreading that trip. 

I did find the store Jade.
I have wanted to go there for forever.
So hubby came in with me.
Where he was the best looking guy in the whole store.
Cuz he was the ONLY guy in the whole store.
It is a great store.
Like, super great I wish it were all in my closet great.
It was truly the best day in forever.

We ended it by buying groceries, because we knew we were going home to four boys who would need food - and a lot of it - this week.  But after too much time not spending time together,
it was so great to just hang out together.
All day long.

And I think my brother and sister in law are going to have us watch their boys now that they watched - and fed - all four of ours.

I'll be happy to.

Thanks for the great weekend, Hubs, I love you!!!

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