Friday, January 14, 2011

We Survived Till Friday!!!!!!!

This week has seemed forever and ever and ever long.

Nothing hugely bad just...exhausting.

The boys feel it too. Today one was sobbing that he was too cold to go to school, one was refusing to dress, one was using the carpet burn he got two days ago as an excuse to stay home and one was going to school ONLY because it means he is headed to a friends after school.

On my way to work today, I am dropping off at school all the things they forgot. Like winter boots and gloves.

BUT, on my way home from dropping all four boys off at school, I was channel surfing (because I am always and forever channel surfing. What if my favorite song really is on the other station?) and heard this oldie.......

Why, yes, I did crank it up.

And sang so loudly that I am sure my boys would have been mortified.

(But I'd like to think they wouldn't. That instead they would think I totally rock. I like the dreamland in my head sometimes!)

So, in case you are having a rough week...I know at least five people who are...maybe just knowing that others are thankful it's Friday and really, we have lots to be thankful for, will help ease you into a (hopefully) relaxing weekend.

And the song may help make you smile a bit.

And it might be also good to note, SIXTY FIVE DAYS TILL SPRING!!!!!!!!!


Farah Jasmine said...

GREAT song. Nothing will brighten your day quite like it :) I have only boys, too. I'm sure life is never going to be dull around here. I can't imagine having four!

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

I can totally picture you singing that out loud in the car :)