Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Time Change Woes Continued

After the rough Monday morning, I dared to live precariously and drove to the big town to buy some more groceries. Mostly because Sadie has decided our couch doesn't need a curtiany thing under our couch. Or shoes. Or cell phone chargers.

Sadie has only chewed one shoe to bits, and it was S1's. I do believe he may have bribed her to do it, put bacon in it or something. He has been telling me he needs new shoes and I keep putting it off and forgetting and now he has none. So I had to go.

Biggby was giving coffee away for their 15th anniversary. They were hopping busy but happy as ever as they made us S4's little kiddie drink. “The B shop” is one of S4's favorite places to stop, and I don't mind because I need the caffeine at any given time of the day and next year.....well, next year he won't go with me because he will be in school.

But one cannot think on such things when you on the search for something called a KONG, shoes for your eldest and Sesame Street songs still running thru your head.

I put the lid on the coffee and it exploded out, all over my shirt. I was, of course, wearing a very light yellow shirt. The coffee did not match it.

S4 was still wearing his bright white (although now a mud covered knees) jammie bottoms, a blinding red blinking Lightening McQueen shirt and a bright red sweat shirt along with a camouflage winter hat. Honey, we stood out.

I could not find a KONG. I did find a blue Lightening McQueen, which S4 just had to have.

I could not find shoes.

I did, however, find my detergent for HALF OFF!!!!!! I need little presents like that more often, I nearly floated out of the store.

Until I ended up at Pay-less where I found S1 a pair of shoes in the MENS department. And not like they were just in the men's department, they were half way down the men's isle.
That realization had me leaving the store without the shoes, only to turn back (so yes, we did look like we were a bit more than slightly crazy) to buy the shoes. It was hard. I had to tell the lady behind the register they were for my son.

His shoes would probably fit me.

I have not told him this.

I needed something to help this day out so we stopped for ice cream at the home made ice cream store where we knocked down a picture in the bathroom causing the glass to explode over the floor and then somehow lost the brand new Lightening McQueen.

It was not a good day.

I do hope the week improves.

1 comment:

Michelle (wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman) said...

Hoping for a better week. But I do have to thank you for filling this moment with laughter for me! (Sorry it was at your expense!)