Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Michigan Vote Day

Today is Primary Vote Day in Michigan.

We have been BOMBARDED with calls.  When I say BOMBARDED I mean as soon as the phone stops ringing and we do the whole "seriously" look, it rings again.  Sometimes the phone is still in our hand.

It has been driving us insane.

But if it's time to vote, I vote.  I figure if all my ancestors can fight for my freedom and right to vote, then I can surely drive ten minutes away and color in a dot.

The boys have been asking us a lot of questions about voting so when I got out of work today, I took the boys with me to see the thrilling voting process.

Last time we went to vote, S4 thought we were headed out to buy a BOAT.  He asked me for days later where our boat was and why we didn't get one and remind me how great a boat would be.

I really didn't think anything could top that.  Especially now, that the boys are older.

But oh no, S4 pulled a new one on me.

"I know who you will vote for, Moma," he told me from his booster seat in the back.

"Who?" I asked, surprised.

"Taylor Swift.  You'll vote for Taylor Swift, won't you?"

S1, in the front with me, began to grin.  "What makes you say that, hon?" I asked S4 sweetly.

"Because, you like all her songs so I know you will vote for her."

(people are always telling me this song reminds them of me)

S1 wanted to come back with a smart remark but I gave him a look.  This was too funny.

"My blog post is forming now," I whispered to S1.

So here it is....

Taylor Swift totally gets my vote. :)


Anonymous said...

LOVE that video!

Irish Carter of Dedicated 2 LIFE said...

Such a great sweet story. I love the memories our little kiddo's leave us with. = )
